Indigenous Korean Theology and Minjung Theology in the Light of the Views of John Wesley and John Calvin


John Wesley
John Calvin
Indigenous Theology
Minjung Theology

How to Cite

Im, S. (2014). Indigenous Korean Theology and Minjung Theology in the Light of the Views of John Wesley and John Calvin. Methodist Review, 6, 69–94. Retrieved from


This article is an attempt to interpret and analyze indigenous Korean theology and Minjung theology from the angles, respectively, of Wesleyanism and Calvinism. Although research into the emergence of these two contextual theologies has been done from the perspective of the cultural and political background and the tradition of two particular seminaries (Gamshin and Hanshin), I claim that the older doctrinal backgrounds constitute the backbones of their theologies, i.e. Wesley’s view of prevenient grace forms the backbone of indigenous Korean theology and Calvin’s view of the sovereignty of God forms that of Minjung theology. The article displays how western theologies, especially Wesleyanism and Calvinism, have impacted on Korean Methodist theologians and Korean Presbyterian theologians in their constructing and articulating Korean contextual theologies and vice versa, in other words, how Korean Methodist and Presbyterian theologians have appropriated Wesley and Calvin respectively in constructing their own contextual theologies, i.e. indigenous theology and Minjung theology.


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